Sunday 21 November 2010

Why it is important to keep interface design simple?

 iPod interface

Windows interface

The design of everyday technology has to be simple. When we look at our mobile phones or iPods, we want to be able to quickly navigate through their menus and features. Time is something that we don't like to waste. Therefore the user interface (UI) has to be simple.

Familiarity is something that we all like. Companies like Apple and Windows have an image that is known worldwide. Their desktop designs can easily be distinguished from each other and they're easy to use. Even though they regularly update, people still know how to use them. If they completely changed the way their products functioned people would be confused and would see the companies in a different light and may discontinue to use the product. Another example that can be used is the ATM machine. If the interface changed people would be confused and not understand how to use it. Therefore, it has to stay the same.

The desire of immediacy is one that is prominent in today's world. If you have created an interface that is complicated to use, people won't spend their time trying to figure it out. Even though products come with an instruction manual it's unlikely that someone will want to spend their time studying it so that they can get familiar with their new gadget. Consumers like to be able to use their iPod or computer quickly without any fuss.

Overall, simplicity is the heart of an effective interface.

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