Monday 17 January 2011

Is digital media a good way to convey news?

Digital media helps people to access the news from wherever they are around the world. Websites, videos and articles can go viral within a matter of minutes because of the usage of social networking sites and the ability to share news with the click of a button. Media consumers can have a variety of different news outlets at their fingertips, therefore it's a good place for people to get news and events known globally.

WikiLeaks has thrived from the internet as it continuously releases new material about things that they believe needs to be known by the public. Without the freedom of the internet, this site would not be able to spread the information that they have.

However, is this freedom really as good as it sounds?

Although people are able to see information and it's sources on this whistle blowing site, it is also putting at risk some of the people that are named in the cables. Because some of the information hasn't been censored properly, names are emerging which creates a safety risk. Therefore, does this make the leaking of cables right? People want to know the information but are we really willing to put people's lives at risk just to get it?

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