Wednesday 19 January 2011

Is web 2.0 different from the original idea of the web?

"Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is, of course, a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along." -Tim Berners Lee
Web 2.0 has allowed the internet to become more of an environment where user content can be created. Sites like myspace, facebook and even this blogging site have emerged from the evolution of the internet. Users can now create things in simple steps without having to have any knowledge about codes that are needed to create websites because it already done for them. Therefore, web 2.0 allows people to connect with others around the world without having to go through the long-winded process of creating a website from scratch.

With web 1.0 people were just consumers, but now with 2.0 they have become prosumers. People can now get more involved with the process in which things are made. For example, ordinary people can create apps for an android phone or an iPhone. 

Web 2.0 is not completely different from the original idea of the web because the whole idea of the internet is to connect people. However, it differs in the way that is allows people to be connected. Ideas can be shared more freely and in different formats. Youtube and social networking sites have become a big internet communites with people sharing and interacting all over the world. With a few clicks of your mouse you can become part of a social networking site and start meeting new people who share similar interests. All the hard work is done for you, for example if you join facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has already done everything so that you can create an account in seconds!

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