Wednesday 13 April 2011

What is the future of digital cultures?

There have been many advancements that have happened over the decades and I think that the world should brace itself for a few more.

As computer games allow us to become more and more a part of them, with the invention of Xbox Kinect and PlayStation Move it is a wonder what they will come up with next. Personally, i feel that they will go even further with that technology especially since we have surround sound  and cinema home systems already available. They could introduce games that are projected into your living room so that you are actually within the game's environment and you are surrounded by others.

I think that surveillance will also become a bigger issue than it already is now. The Daily Mail recently released an article stating that there is one CCTV camera for every 32 people in the UK.

This is a picture of a drone that could be in our skies in the near future if the Home Office gets their way. They have proposed that unmanned drones should be in the sky looking down onto the streets of Britain as well as CCTV cameras.  This is an example of how the fictional book 1984 is becoming more and more likely. As I outlined in my privacy blog, I don't think that we'll have that much privacy for much longer especially if the government now wants to have drones in the sky watching our every moves.

I think there are going to be many digital advancements in the future, though the one that really worries me the most is surveillance. Surely we are entitled to some privacy. We already have too many cameras watching our every move, do we really need anymore?

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